PhD Thesis by Maria Chiara Montecchi (2007-2009; tutor of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: Carla Alberta Accorsi; tutor of University of Rome Sapienza: Patrizio Pensabene Perez)
The research and its aims: In the frame of the complex restoration and valorization project of the Roman Villa del Casale of Piazza Armerina (UNESCO World Cultural Heritage), an agreement has been set up Convenzione per consulenza specialistica concernente indagini archeobotaniche nellarea della Villa Romana per gli aspetti relativi alle analisi palinologiche with Centro Regionale Progettazione and Restauro of Palermo, the Sicilian Region, the Assessorato Regionale Beni Culturali Ambientali and P.I., the Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. of Enna and the Alto Commissario of the Roman Villa del Casale of Piazza Armerina. The analyses concerned both the Roman Villa and the Medieval settlement, unearthed in the last years (excavations directed by Patrizio Pensabene University of Rome Sapienza) in the southern area of the renowned Villa. This settlement was the subject of the PhD thesis carried out by Maria Chiara Montecchi in this laboratory. The aim of the project, covering a time span from Roman age to modern times, is to reconstruct the history of the natural and cultural plant landscape of the settlement and its surroundings and to compile, based on pollen flora, the inventory of plants useful to restore the green setting of the site (viridarium).
Methodologies: palynological and microanthracological analyses linked to new archaeological excavations, investigations of ancient authorities.
Place: Villa Romana del Casale, Province of Enna, Sicilian Region, Italy.