Progress in African Archaeobotany (eds: A.M. Mercuri, A.C. DAndrea, R. Fornaciari, A. Höhn)
The volume is a compilation of peer-reviewed papers presented to the 8th International Workgroup for African Archaeobotany, held in Modena, Italy in June 2015. The papers included in this volume represent the most current archaeobotanical research completed by international scholars from Africa, Europe and North America. The book presents a pan-African perspective, including study locales from Mediterranean Africa, the Horn, West, East, Central and Saharan Africa, as well as synthesis papers covering more than one region. Contributions are data-rich and employ some of the most advanced methods available in archaeobotanical research. General themes touched on by papers in this volume include agricultural systems of sub-food and drink production/processing, plant domestication history, landscape reconstruction, anthropogenesis and Holocene vegetation history.